The first step is often the hardest. But you’re here. Welcome to our community dedicated to helping survivors of sexual abuse. We know it takes courage to come forward to talk about sexual abuse. If you’re ready to talk, we are ready to listen. No judgment. We’ve listened to the stories of literally hundreds of people who have come forward to discuss their experiences with sexual abuse.
If you just want information right now, that’s fine. Feel free to look around this website to learn more about resources that are available to survivors of sexual abuse. If you want to talk to someone, just let us know.
Support for Survivors
Need help?
If you are in immediate danger, call 911.
If you are in a crisis situation and need help call the National Sexual Assault Hotline at 800-656-4673 to talk with a sexual assault service organization near you. You will be connected with an advocate who will be there to listen to you. This hotline is part of the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN) which works in partnership with over 1,000 local sexual assault service organizations across the country.
If you’d like help and aren’t ready for a phone call, here is a list of Indiana resources available to help you. Courtesy of ICESAHT.
Survivors Seeking Justice
You didn’t deserve what happened. You didn’t do anything wrong. Sharing your story and getting help is the first step. Seeking justice through the civil court process is a good next step in your recovery. While the criminal justice system is focused on punishing the person who committed the sexual abuse, the civil justice system is all about helping survivors.
By working with an attorney on a civil lawsuit, you can seek justice by getting money to help you pay for therapy to work through the emotional stress and trauma that comes with being a survivor of sexual abuse. Worried that you can’t afford an attorney? Don’t be. CohenMalad, LLP attorneys work on a contingency basis. This means that you don’t pay any legal costs until your case is settled. You will not have to pay any money out of pocket to file a lawsuit.
Millions of U.S. adults and children are survivors of sexual abuse. Sexual abuse survivors who have gained courage from family members, the community, and the #MeToo movement have come forward in large numbers to share their stories on their path to healing. These stories help shine light and release the stigma and shame that many sexual abuse survivors battle. Another step on the path to healing is getting sexual abuse survivors justice and compensation through the civil justice system to not only hold their perpetrators accountable but to also provide resources needed to effectively deal with the severe trauma of the sexual abuse they experienced—that’s where an experienced attorney comes in.