Lyft Sexual Assault Lawyers
Over 10,000 reports of sexual assault have been filed by passengers and drivers of ride-share apps Uber and Lyft to date. This number was calculated from a 2019 report from Uber and a recent report from Lyft. The data in the Lyft report indicates between 2017 and 2019, there were 4,158 reports of sexual assault categorized as follows:
- Non-consensual touching of a sexual body part- 2,300 reports
- Non-consensual kissing of a non-sexual body part- 672 reports
- Non-consensual kissing of a sexual body part- 506 reports
- Attempted non-consensual sexual penetration (attempted rape)- 320 reports
- Non-consensual sexual penetration (rape)- 360 reports
These numbers are alarming. Even more so is the fact that reports of attempted rape and rape increased between 2018 and 2019. These numbers also do not account for unreported incidents of sexual assault or rape as many people who suffer sexual abuse delay reporting for a variety of reasons. While both Uber and Lyft have stated the companies have a commitment to safety, these numbers would indicate that not enough is being done.
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Rights for Lyft Sexual Assault Survivors
If you or someone you know is a survivor of sexual abuse, contact us. You are not alone. Our attorneys have over 20 years of experience helping sexual abuse survivors and can help you get compensation for the trauma you’ve endured to pay for counseling and other treatment. We offer confidential, no-obligation consultations. If you choose to pursue legal action, you will not pay any attorney fees until your case settles. Not ready to talk yet? Watch Greg Laker talk about the work our firm has done to help survivors of sexual abuse.