Lawyers for Child-on-Child Sexual Abuse Victims
The perpetrator of sexual abuse on a child can be anyone — including another child. While it is natural that children are curious about their own bodies and those of the opposite sex, there is a stark difference between curiosity and sexually abusive actions. Child-on-child sexual abuse can be between two siblings, peers from school, teammates, or neighborhood children. The child perpetrator may only be a year or two older than the child victim. When curiosity evolves to preoccupation and/or aggression, the conditions are ripe for sexual abuse to occur.
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Sexually abused children suffer serious trauma. The evidence of this trauma can include a wide range of emotional, psychological, and physical characteristics. Irritability, anxiety, behavioral problems, nightmares, stomach aches, panic attacks, fear of others, and physical injuries to the genitals may all be signs that a child has been sexually abused. Sudden changes in behavior that seem out of character for the child should be taken as a cue for parents to speak to their children to determine what, if anything, has happened and get them the help they need.
Summary of a child-on-child sexual abuse claim
A preteen was visiting a neighbor’s house when they were sexually assaulted by the neighbor’s child. The two children were playing together in the backyard. Sometime during the visit, the child’s parent went inside the home, leaving the two children unsupervised. While the children were unsupervised, the child who lived at the house verbally and physically abused the visiting child in a sexual manner.
The child reported the incident to their parents. After hearing what their child had to say, the victim’s parents contacted the parents of the other child and the proper authorities. Eventually, CohenMalad, LLP attorneys were hired to bring a civil case to recover their child’s damages related to this sexual assault. A settlement was obtained to compensate the victim. The settlement proceeds will enable the family to obtain ongoing psychiatric therapy necessary to help the child deal with the effects of the sexual abuse trauma that will last throughout their lifetime.
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Other Types Of Sexual Abuse Cases We Handle
We are proud to help families heal through the legal pursuit of sexual abuse claims. Here are a few more specific examples of cases we’ve handled.
- Adult on child sexual abuse
- Daycare sexual abuse
- Church sexual abuse
- Nursing home sexual abuse
- Residential treatment center sexual abuse
- School or sports organization sexual abuse
- Youth Sports Sexual Abuse
Child-On-Child Sexual Abuse Lawyers
If you, your child, or someone else you know is a victim of sexual abuse or molestation, contact us. Our attorneys have been trained by mental health professionals so as to not revictimize the Plaintiff when telling his or her story. We have helped many families get compensation to pay for the help they need in order to heal after sexual abuse. We understand the sensitive nature of this type of lawsuit and prioritize our clients’ privacy and trust while fighting to get them the compensation they need to assist them in healing and coping with sexual abuse.