Lawyers for Sexual Abuse Victims at Residential Treatment Centers
Residential treatment centers offer children and adolescents live-in options for treating mental illness, including emotional and behavioral problems. Often, these referrals occur after a child has been found to be delinquent and has been ordered to be there by a Juvenile Court Judge. These facilities offer comprehensive evaluation and intensive therapies for a variety of needs, such as bipolar disorder, depression, and a range of mood and personality disorders. Due to the nature of these mental health-related needs, some children may be more susceptible to inappropriate sexual contact– whether it occurs between them and other residents or by residential treatment center staff or caregivers.
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Sexual abuse can lead to severe trauma, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Children who are the victims of sexual abuse can suffer life-long injuries that require ongoing treatment. A sudden change in behavior and other symptoms like anxiety, frequent nightmares, fear of others, panic attacks and behavioral problems may all be signs that a child has been the victim of sexual abuse. Caregivers who notice changes in a child’s behavior should speak to the child and contact a mental health professional to determine how to best help the child.
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Residential Treatment Facilities Under Investigation Over Sexual Abuse Claims
Our sexual abuse attorneys are investigating claims made against multiple residential treatment facilities for claims of sexual abuse. One claim involves a pre-teen who was receiving treatment for behavioral issues. The facility placed the pre-teen resident with a teenage roommate who was also receiving treatment. The older resident sexually assaulted the pre-teen. Our attorneys learned during the investigation that the sexual abuse likely happened due to a failure of the facility to provide proper supervision of the children. It also failed to safeguard the pre-teen’s health and emotional well-being by placing the child in an environment with older, more developed adolescents.
If your child or a child of someone you know is receiving treatment at a residential care facility in Indiana or elsewhere in the state and has concerns about sexual abuse, contact us. Our attorneys can provide you with a confidential and free case evaluation to discuss your legal rights and options.
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Summary of a Sex Abuse Case at a Residential Treatment Center
An adolescent was receiving treatment at a residential care facility for autism spectrum disorder. While living at the facility, the child was sexually abused by an older resident who shared a room with the child. The facility failed to provide proper supervision and staffing, which allowed this assault to occur. The child’s progress in reaching their goals related to autism spectrum disorder was severely compromised as a result of the trauma inflicted by the sexual assault. Further, the child required additional therapy and psychiatric treatment to work through the emotional damage caused by the assault. CohenMalad, LLP attorneys were hired to bring a civil case against the facility for failing to provide adequate supervision of its residents, among other failures and negligent actions.
Another case of sexual abuse occurred at an Indianapolis residential treatment facility, this time perpetrated by one of the staff members the facility hired to take care of residents. The staff member was responsible for transporting residents to appointments outside of the facility. In this case, the staff member also allowed a male friend, who was not employed by the residential treatment center, to ride in the vehicle with the adolescent. The staff member took an adolescent resident to an offsite location and both the staff member and the male friend sexually assaulted the resident. CohenMalad, LLP attorneys were hired to bring a civil case against the facility and the two parties who committed the assault on the adolescent.
Recent Reports of Residential and Outpatient Treatment Facilities Sexual Abuse
Lemont counselor charged with sexually assaulting patient during therapy sessions– ABC7 Chicago
Other Types Of Sexual Abuse Cases We Handle
We are proud to help families heal through the legal pursuit of sexual abuse claims. Here are a few more specific examples of cases we’ve handled.
- Adult on child sexual abuse
- Daycare sexual abuse
- Child-on-child sexual abuse
- Church sexual abuse
- Nursing home sexual abuse
- School or sports organization sexual abuse
- Youth Sports Sexual Abuse
Sexual Abuse Lawyers
If you, your child, or someone else you know is a victim of sexual abuse or assault, contact us. Our attorneys have been trained by mental health professionals so as not to revictimize the Plaintiff when telling his or her story. We have helped many families get compensation to pay for the help they need in order to heal after sexual abuse. Our attorneys have experience handling sexual abuse claims against residential facilities and can help your family on the path to healing. We understand the sensitive nature of this type of lawsuit and prioritize our clients’ privacy and trust while fighting to get them the compensation they need to assist them in healing and coping with sexual abuse. Speak with us today without cost or obligation.