Legislative Change Is Needed To Help Survivors Of Sexual Abuse
EPISODE 2 – Interview with Marci Hamilton and Kathryn Robb
Today we are talking with Professor Marci Hamilton the Founder, CEO and Legal Director of Child USA and Kathryn Robb the Executive Director of Child USAdvocacy. Hear from Ms. Hamilton and Ms. Robb about the exceptional work they have done across the United States to advocate for reforms to child sexual abuse legislation.
Marci and Kathryn are lawyers, law instructors, and legislative advocates who have done significant, ground-breaking work in fighting for reforms to the statute of limitations for child sexual abuse legislation. Ms. Hamilton and Ms. Robb have affected legislative change through the use of evidence-based facts and science including medical, psychological and social science data to support the need for common sense legislation. Together Marci and Kathryn have helped to advance legislative reforms in nearly a dozen states and will continue this work until all states have passed legislation to protect our most important asset—children.